Coming Out Can Mean Different Thingsģ0 Best Pride Month Memes to Celebrate Love Ending Discrimination, One Company at a Time 30 Best Pride Month Memes to Celebrate Love.In this article, I will share with you Pride month memes that will make you laugh at the way of the world. Memes show the world a mirror but in a fun way. One should be able to look at the world around and be able to laugh at it. We can fight injustice through many means. Let us fight for a perfect world where anyone can be themselves and love whoever they want. Loving someone should not be a privilege, it has to be a basic right. This is not to say that we live in a perfect world now. The LGBTQ community has faced many atrocities in the past. Love is love after all! We have come a long way. This year let us look at the best Pride Month memes that sarcastically throw light on these injustices. However, Pride month is also the time when we call out the inequalities within our society. It is the time of the year when we celebrate love. June is the month we show our support for the LGBTQ community.